Deploying RQD

Deploy RQD to all OpenCue render hosts

RQD is a software client that runs on all hosts doing work for an OpenCue deployment.

RQD’s responsibilities include:

  • Registering the host with Cuebot.
  • Receiving instructions about what work to do.
  • Monitoring the worker processes it launches and reporting on results.

RQD uses gRPC to communicate with Cuebot. It also runs its own gRPC server, which is called by the Cuebot client to send instructions to RQD.

System requirements

Each RQD host must meet the following minimum system requirements:

  • A single physical CPU core
  • 2GB RAM

Before you begin

Before you start to work through this guide, complete the steps in Deploying Cuebot.

Make sure you also complete the following steps:

  1. You must provide RQD with the hostname or IP of the Cuebot.

    • If you also installed Cuebot in a container, fetch the container IP:

      export CUEBOT_HOSTNAME=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' cuebot)
    • If your Cuebot is running on a different machine, use that machine’s hostname or IP:

      export CUEBOT_HOSTNAME=<hostname or IP of the Cuebot machine>
  2. RQD needs access to the filesystem where render assets are stored and log files are written. In a large-scale deployment a shared filesystem such as NFS is often used for this purpose.

    If you’re running RQD in a Docker container (Options 1 and 2 below), define CUE_FS_ROOT and ensure the directory exists:

    export CUE_FS_ROOT="${HOME}/opencue-demo"
    mkdir -p "$CUE_FS_ROOT"

    If you’re running RQD directly on the host (Options 3 and 4 below), no further action is required. This guide assumes that the filesystem is already available on that host. For example, if you plan to run CueGUI and CueSubmit on the same host, all components can use the local filesystem for this purpose.

  3. On macOS you might also need to increase Docker’s RAM limit.

Option 1: Downloading and running RQD from DockerHub

To download and run the pre-built Docker image from DockerHub:

docker pull opencue/rqd
docker run -td --name rqd01 --env CUEBOT_HOSTNAME=${CUEBOT_HOSTNAME} --volume "${CUE_FS_ROOT}:${CUE_FS_ROOT}" opencue/rqd

Option 2: Building and running RQD from source

To build and run the RQD Docker image from source:

docker build -t opencue/rqd -f rqd/Dockerfile .
docker run -td --name rqd01 --env CUEBOT_HOSTNAME=${CUEBOT_HOSTNAME} --volume "${CUE_FS_ROOT}:${CUE_FS_ROOT}" opencue/rqd

Option 3: Installing from the published release

To manually install from the published release:

Download the RQD tarball from the OpenCue GitHub releases page.

You need the pip and virtualenv tools. Use of a virtual environment is not strictly necessary but is recommended to avoid conflicts with other installed Python libraries.

export RQD_TARBALL="<path to RQD tar.gz>"
export RQD_DIR=$(basename "${RQD_TARBALL}" .tar.gz)
tar xvzf "$RQD_TARBALL"
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
cd "$RQD_DIR"
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
cd ..
rm -rf "$RQD_DIR"

An rqd executable should now be available in your PATH.

This inherits the CUEBOT_HOSTNAME environment variable you set earlier in this guide.


Option 4: Installing and running from source

Make sure you’ve checked out the source code and your current directory is the root of the checked out source.

Ubuntu 22.04 build enviroment:

sudo apt install build-essential python3.10-venv python3.10-dev 

rqd setup:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd proto
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I=. --python_out=../rqd/rqd/compiled_proto --grpc_python_out=../rqd/rqd/compiled_proto ./*.proto
cd ../rqd/rqd/compiled_proto
2to3 -w -n *
cd ../..
python install

An rqd executable should now be available in your PATH.

This inherits the CUEBOT_HOSTNAME environment variable you set earlier in this guide.


Verifying your install

The following log entries illustrate the expected RQD output, indicating it has started up:

2019-01-31 00:41:51,905 WARNING   rqd3-__main__   RQD Starting Up
2019-01-31 00:41:52,941 WARNING   rqd3-rqcore     RQD Started

What’s next?

Last modified Tuesday, June 11, 2024: Build fixes and Ubuntu 22.04 help (#289) (103a411)