Setting up a development environment on macOS

Set up your development environment on macOS

This is a guide to setting up a development environment on macOS that lets you run the entire OpenCue system, including Cuebot, CueGUI, and RQD. After you complete the setup, you can make changes to any part of the development environment.

Before you begin

First, clone the OpenCue git repository to your machine. You also need to download and install OpenCue’s core dependencies:

  • PostgreSQL version 9 or greater

    • We recommend installing Postgres using Homebrew:

      brew install postgresql
      brew services start postgresql
  • Python 3.x

    • Using Homebrew:

      brew install python
  • Java SE JDK version 11 or greater

    • You can view a list of currently installed SDKs with the java_home command:

      /usr/libexec/java_home -V
  • Flyway

    • Using Homebrew:

      brew install flyway

It’s also useful to install IDEs. JetBrains has free community versions of the following options:

Database setup

After installing PostgreSQL you need to create a database and user for OpenCue — specifically Cuebot — to use.

Using the command-line

To set up the database using the command-line:

  1. Define and export the following shell variables for a database named cuebot_local:

    export DB_NAME=cuebot_dev
    export DB_USER=cuebot
    export DB_PASS=changeme
    export DB_HOST=localhost
  2. Create the database and the user that Cuebot uses to connect to it:

    createdb $DB_NAME
    createuser $DB_USER --pwprompt
    # Enter the password stored in DB_PASS when prompted
  3. Change your current directory to the root of your OpenCue Git clone.

  4. Run the flyway command to execute the database migrations:

    flyway -url=jdbc:postgresql://$DB_HOST/$DB_NAME -user=$USER -n -locations=filesystem:cuebot/src/main/resources/conf/ddl/postgres/migrations migrate

    The OpenCue source code stores its database schema as migrations, which are a sequence of SQL files which the database administrator can apply incrementally to construct the full database schema.

  5. The OpenCue repository also includes the PostgreSQL seed_data.sql file. This file contains a series of SQL commands to insert some sample data into the Cuebot database, which helps demonstrate various features of the software. To execute the SQL statements, run the psql command:

    psql -h $DB_HOST -f cuebot/src/main/resources/conf/ddl/postgres/seed_data.sql $DB_NAME

    To see a list of flags for the psql tool, run the psql --help command. For example, if your database is running on a remote host, specify the -h flag. If you need to specify a different username, specify the -U flag.

Running Cuebot

Cuebot is the core component of OpenCue, written in Java. It serves the gRPC API which all other components use to interact with the database, and is responsible for dispatching work to RQD worker nodes.

To build and run it with IntelliJ IDEA:

  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA and choose Import Project, select the cuebot folder in the git repository.

  2. Choose the Import project from external model > Gradle option then click Finish.

  3. Click Build > Rebuild Project.

    IntelliJ downloads Gradle and all source dependencies, then compiles the project and runs tests.

  4. To setup run configurations go to Run > Edit Configurations

  5. Click the + icon on the top left corner to add a new configuration. Click Application on the drop down as shown in the screenshot below.

    A screenshot of IntelliJ add config list

  6. Rename your configuration to CuebotApplication

  7. Update the Program arguments as follows and replace the value for <PASSWORD> where indicated:

    --datasource.cue-data-source.jdbc-url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/cuebot_dev --datasource.cue-data-source.username=cuebot --datasource.cue-data-source.password=<PASSWORD>
  8. The finalized run configuration should appear as follows:

    A screenshot of IntelliJ run configuration window

  9. Click OK.

  10. Click Run > Run ‘CuebotApplication’.

  11. Verify that the output window doesn’t show any errors.

    If it does, double-check that you have set up the database correctly, including permissions, and have set the Program arguments correctly.

Create a virtual environment

OpenCue consists of multiple Python components which are interrelated. These components include RQD, CueGUI, and the Python API.

We recommend creating a Python virtual environment specifically for development use that you can use for all components. This will help keep dependencies synchronized across your OpenCue deployment.

  1. Open a terminal and change to the root folder of your OpenCue Git clone.

  2. Create a virtual environment named venv-dev:

    python3 -m venv venv-dev

    Your virtual environment can be named whatever you want; this rest of this guide assumes you’re using one named venv-dev.

  3. Activate the virtual environment:

    source venv-dev/bin/activate
  4. To install OpenCue’s Python dependencies run the following command in the IDE terminal:

    pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements_gui.txt

    This can take a few minutes, namely to download PySide2.

Configure PyCharm

Similar to the virtual environment, we recommend configuring your IDE as a single project containing all of the Python components. PyCharm is used here.

  1. Open PyCharm and choose Open. Select the root folder of the git repository.

  2. Open the PyCharm preferences and navigate to Project: opencue > Project Interpreter.

  3. Add a new interpreter, using the following settings:

    • Virtual environment
    • Existing environment
    • Interpreter set to <path to git repository>/venv-dev/bin/python
  4. In order for inter-dependencies within the code to work in PyCharm you need to mark each components as a source directory. In the PyCharm file browser, right-click on each OpenCue component and click on Mark Directory As > Sources Root. You need to do this for:

    • cueadmin/
    • cuegui/
    • cuesubmit/
    • proto/
    • pycue/
    • pyoutline/
    • rqd/
  5. To set docstring format to reStructuredText :

    Tools > Python Integrated Tools > Docstrings > Docstring format to  "reStructuredText".

    This will let you use standard PyCharm tools for generating docstrings in this format.

Generate gRPC Python code

The OpenCue data model and gRPC API are defined using .proto Protobuf files. To make use of these definitions at runtime the Protobuf files must first be “compiled” into native code — Java and Python in our case, though Protobuf supports many languages. This increases consistency across OpenCue components and reduces code repetition.

Generating the Python versions of OpenCue’s .proto files for RQD and the PyCue library is currently a manual process. To generate the Python code:

  1. Change directory to the proto folder.

  2. Generate the Python versions of the gRPC classes:

    python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=../rqd/rqd/compiled_proto --grpc_python_out=../rqd/rqd/compiled_proto *.proto
    python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=../pycue/opencue/compiled_proto --grpc_python_out=../pycue/opencue/compiled_proto *.proto

    The .proto files also need some post-processing to make them compatible with Python 3. The easiest way to do this is to run the 2to3 package.

  3. Run the following commands to complete the post-processing:

    2to3 -wn -f import ../rqd/rqd/compiled_proto/*_pb2*.py
    2to3 -wn -f import ../pycue/opencue/compiled_proto/*_pb2*.py

Running RQD

RQD is the OpenCue rendering host agent, written in Python.

To run RQD with PyCharm, right-click rqd/ and click Run.

Running CueGUI

CueGUI lets you monitor the status of jobs and rendering hosts, written in Python.

To run CueGUI with PyCharm, right-click cuegui/ and click Run.

Running CueSubmit

CueSubmit lets you submit jobs to OpenCue, written in Python.

To run CueSubmit with PyCharm, right-click cuesubmit/ and click Run.

Verify your installation

After you are running Cuebot, CueGUI, and RQD simultaneously, you should be able to see the RQD host in CueGUI:

  1. From the Views/Plugins menu, click Cuecommander > Monitor Hosts.

  2. In the Monitor Hosts section, check the Auto-refresh box as illustrated by the following screenshot:

    A screenshot of CueGUI showing host

    Next, check that you can run a job by using CueSubmit.

  3. Switch to CueSubmit and fill out Job, Shot, and Layer Name fields as you like.

  4. Set the Command to echo #IFRAME#.

  5. Set Frame Spec to 1-3.

  6. Click Submit:

    A screenshot of CueSubmit with correct values

  7. Switch back to CueGUI and verify that the job completes successfully:

    A screenshot of CueGUI with completed job

This verifies that your end-to-end installation is working.